Using tags in email templates
Include TAGs in the template
In order to personalize your emails with values tailored to each subscriber, such as including their name or a custom URL in the campaign template, you can use customizable tags. To set up these tags, you'll need to edit the fields in the list associated with the email first and make sure that each subscriber has a value assigned to that particular field.
Once we have the fields configured correctly, as you can see in the image above, go to Campaigns and create a new campaign. In step 2, select the list or lists in which you have configured these fields.
- In step 4 of the selected template design, add a text block and double-click on it.
- Writes @
- A menu will appear with all the fields you have previously configured. Select the one you want to include in the template.
Another alternative is to copy and paste the label command, you will find it in the fields section of the list, in a column called "Command to paste the label" the appearance of the label is *|EMAIL|*
In this way, this tag will be replaced in the email that the subscriber receives, with the value that said subscriber has in the list field (Name, email, phone, etc.)
TAGs globales
Our templates add certain default TAGS that you must include in your campaigns, and they are the following:
View in browser: *|BROWSER_VIEW|*
Unsubscribe: *|UNSUBSCRIBE_URL|*
Modify subscriber data: *|MODIFY_SUB_URL|*
In the List Settings section you can fill in your company's contact information with name, address and phone number, which you can include in your template with the following tags:
Company name: *|LIST_COMPANY|*
Address: *|LIST_ADDRESS|*
Phone: *|LIST_PHONE|*
TAGs in the subject of the campaign
You can also include custom values for each subscriber in the campaign subject line.
To do this, you will first need to have previously edited and established the fields in your subscriber list .
- In the specific list, in the Fields tab, copy the command of the label that you want to add to your subject, for example, *|NAME|*
- Go to the campaign where you want to include the tag in the subject. In step 1, paste the corresponding tag
This way, when the email is sent to the subscriber, this tag will be replaced with a custom value.
Remember that you can also include emojis or emoticons in the subject lines of your campaign. By clicking on the link you will be able to see a selection that is compatible with different devices and email providers. Simply copy and paste them to include them in your subject line.