Social Media Management
With Acumbamail you can now analyse, manage and measure the success of all your digital content.
In this article:
Access to feature
You can access Social Networks from the main menu on the left as a new entry, as long as your user is PRO or if you have a basic plan and you are not interested in upgrading to a Pro plan, you can activate the Social Networks module upgrade as an extra. This extra is only accessible if you have a basic plan. For more information about how the extras works, you can consult this article.
Features according to plan
The following table describes exactly what each user will find depending on the plan or plan assigned to them:
User type |
Access |
Free | It is not possible |
Basic Plan | It is not possible |
Basic Plan + Extra of Social Networks |
Including |
Plan Pro | Including |
Plan Enterprise |
Including |
What is it for?
With this new module you will be able to know what is happening on your website and in your Social Media:
Monitor your website or blog
Which pages are most successful, most visited, and how much time do your readers spend on them?
Are your campaigns working?
Which Social Media are driving the most traffic? -
Analyze your Social MediaFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google My Business, Twitch, YouTube o LinkedIn.
Know in real time which followers are active at that moment in order to establish interactions with them or publish content that may seem relevant to them.
- Analyze your competition on the main Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube.
Analyze the performance of your online advertisingen Facebook Ads, Google Ads y TikTok Ads.
Manage and optimize your ads to get the most out of them and make your strategies as profitable as possible.
How it works
If you have just logged in, configure each of your Social Media by accessing it from the menu.
Analyze how your strategy has worked.
Select the social network you want to analyze and choose the time period you want to know your performance over.
You will see the content divided into three large sections, although everything will depend on the social network you want to analyze.
- Growing your community : where you can find out how your profile is evolving, your number of followers and what your audience is like (demographic data).
- Posts : Analyze the overall performance of your content on each social network and each post individually to find out which ones work best and which ones you can optimize.
- Competitor Analysis: Analyze your competitors' strategy, profile, and posts to learn from their content and gain insights.
- In the "Summary" section you have the metrics of all the Social Media connected together and one by one ordered from highest to lowest.
- In the Real Time section you can analyze what is happening right now on your website.
View all the conversations generated related to your posts.
You can filter by social network, private messages, comments
Organize all your posts in a calendar.
This scheduling feature is very easy to use once you know what you want to post and the best times to do it. All you have to do is follow these steps:
- Select the day and time you want to publish on the calendar.
- Add an image, video, GIF or link.
- Once scheduled, it will be published automatically.
What things can you do?
- Posting the same content to multiple Social Media at once.
- Drag images from your computer to attach them to your post.
- If you place a link at the end of the text, the link will be displayed expanded with the image preview and description.
- Post up to 10 images, an animated gif, or a video.
Once scheduled posts are published, they will appear in green on the calendar.
The time slots marked in dark blue are your best hours, meaning when you are most likely to get more interaction.
Create a new post
- Click on the "Create new post" option
- Select the network or Social Media you want to post on
- Create a template of your post but if you want to edit it according to the Social Network, click "Edit by Social Network"
- Select the time and day you want to schedule the publication
- If you want to add a GIF, image or video, add it at the bottom
On the right you can see the preview of the post. You can see how it looks on both desktop and mobile formats and filter by social network.
Image Editing
This option is available for all Social Media to post to.
What can you modify?
- Cut.
- Edit: Edit options for brightness, exposure, contrast, etc.
- Add filters.
- Include stickers: Logos or images can be added to the photo.
- Draw on the photo.
- Frame: They are applied on or around the image.
- Censor: Possibility to pixelate the selected part of the image.
- Resize.
Image bank
Find the photo you need in the image bank.
The page where the multimedia content comes from is Pexels , an image bank with a large library so you can get the ideal photo for your post.
- Find the perfect photo with recommendations from Pexels.
- Search by keyword based on the content of your post.
- Filter by dominant color by entering the color code.
What Social Media can I plan?
You can publish in two different ways:
- Schedule posts with a video, photo, reel or carousel automatically.
- Schedule long videos or stories with notifications.
In the case of automatic publication, it can be an image, a video, a Reel or a carousel.
- Program images in JPEG or PNG format and 30 MB maximum size. In 1200×1200 for square images and 1200×900 for horizontal ones.
- Schedule videos in MP4, MOV or GIF format up to 4 GB and 240 minutes maximum.
- Program reels from 4 to 60 seconds in vertical format.
- Images in JPG, PNG or GIF format up to 5 megabytes.
- Videos: in MP4, MOV or GIF and up to 512 MB, with a maximum duration of 2 minutes and 12 seconds.
- Images
- Format: PNG or JPEG
- Weight: max. 5MB
- Size recommendation: 552 pixels wide x 276 high
- Ratio: from 3:1 to 2:3 (Width/Height). If the ratio is higher, the image is centered and cropped.
- Videos
- Format: MP4 or GIF (MOV is not supported).
- File size: minimum 75 KB and maximum 512 MB
- Video length: minimum 3 seconds and maximum 15 minutes.
- Images
You can post to either the Posts section or the Photos section. Depending on how you plan, you will post to one section or the other.
- Text: if you publish a post.
- Text + link: post with button and image taken from the link.
- Text + image: post with image.
- Text + link + image: post with image with button.
- Image (without any text): published as a photo.
- Images in .PNG or .JPG format and a maximum of 20 MB. It is also recommended that you use a 2:3 ratio of 1000X1500.
- Videos: MP4 format or another format that the planner is responsible for adapting, must last between 4 and 15 seconds and have a maximum weight of 500 MB.
- Videos: size less than 50Mb, duration must be at least 3 seconds and maximum 60, MP4 format (if you upload it in .mov the platform automatically transforms it) and a resolution greater than 540px.
- Videos: longer than 60 seconds and rectangular in orientation, 1:1 format. Maximum size: 500MB
- Shorts: Videos under 60 seconds in vertical orientation: 1:1 or more vertical.
- Filter by social network to find out the status of your posts. You can see if they are published, still pending publication, in draft, or if they have given an error.
- In the search engine you can find any publication using keywords.
- Delete any posts you've created that you didn't like or that gave you an error.
An autolist is a set of several posts that you can share on different Social Media automatically. You can schedule these contents periodically. Define the days and times you want them to be published automatically and you can start it, pause it or make it circulate so that your Social Media are always active.
Share content manually, via CSV file, or with an RSS feed.
Creating an autolist
Click on "Create new autolist"
- Name: Name that defines the content that the list will contain.
- Global Settings :
Repeat: Circular list. Once a piece of content is published, it moves to the end of the list to be republished when it is due again. Otherwise, it will be removed from the autolist and will not be republished.
Shortener: Shorten your URLs automatically. - Networks to post on: Activate the Social Media on which you want to simultaneously share your posts.
- Scheduling: Select the days and times for the next post.
List content. You can do this in three ways:
- Manual: Click on write new and write each post.
- CSV: Upload the CSV file with all the data of the posts you want to add to your autolist. The CSV file will have two columns, the first for the text of the post and the second for the URL of the image you want to add, which is optional. You can configure the character that will be used as a separator between the two columns. If you want to add an image, it must be previously adapted to each social network.
- RSS feed: This is a file generated by some websites that contains the information published by that website. This RSS is updated every time new content is published on the blog.
The first thing to do is enter the URL of the feed and click on search. If the file is correct, the recent content contained in the feed file will be discovered.
Next, fill in the following information:
- Prefix: text that will go at the beginning of all the posts in your feed.
- Suffix: text that will be placed at the end of each post.
- Include previous posts: if you click on this option, the latest content contained in the RSS and any upcoming content will be included. If you don't check this option, only the following ones will appear, that is, the autolist will start when a new publication is made.
- Add deactivated publications: which means that the publications that are added will be included deactivated, so they will not be published in your Social Media until they are manually activated.
- Add to beginning of autolist: if you check this option, the new RSS publications will be added to the beginning of the autolist. If on the contrary you don't check this option, they will be added by default to the end of it.
One link to manage all your posts. Connect your audience with your strategic content and make the most of the potential of the link in your bio. Drive traffic to any website, social network or content. Increase sales, conversions and visits. Measure the performance of the links to know how they are working: detailed data on visits to the link and CTR. Create as many clickable buttons or images as you need, organize them by sections and take your followers to content that generates conversions. Landings, forms, sales pages... you decide.
Customize your SmartLink:
- Customize your smartlink URL:
- Add a logo, name and description.
- Customize the background, buttons and image grid.
- Set up the buttons you need and link your images, videos and posts.
- Copy your unique, personalized link and paste it into your Social Media bios, email signature, or any other clickable medium.
Do you know how your ads work on Google Ads, Facebook Ads and TikTok Ads?
Connect your accounts and you can create your own ads and campaigns from the tool. You can also manage the performance of your ads and analyze them with interactive graphics.
Automatically generate reports in PDF or PPT with all your statistics for all the Social Media that you have connected to the platform.
These reports can be customized with your company data by selecting the following aspects:
- Time period you want to include in your report.
- Customize and personalize reports using reusable templates:
- Choose which sections you want to include, metrics you want to appear, and the maximum number of rows in the lists.
Mark which networks, which sections and the order of the tables.
- Design your own backgrounds
Add a custom background to pages
- Choose the corporate colors
- Choose which sections you want to include, metrics you want to appear, and the maximum number of rows in the lists.
- Your company or agency logo (which will appear at the bottom of each page)
- You can choose between 8 languages when generating your report or creating templates
- Schedule periodic delivery of the report to the address you want
- Select PDF or PPT
Review the history of the last 10 reports generated, when it was done, what it included and in what period.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How many brands can be integrated into the Social Media?
With an Acumbamail account only one.
- Are there any special plans within those Social Media?
- Can it be compared to competitors? How many can be added for comparison?
Yes, up to 100 different accounts. You just need your competitors' usernames. You can watch your competitors on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch and YouTube.
- In the reports, how many emails can I add to receive the report monthly?
There is no limit.
- If I have a multi-user account, can I find out who made a post?
No. Multi-users who access your Acumbamail account depend on the main account. All publications made, regardless of the status, are made with the main account. Users with Manager and Administrator roles are the only ones who can access it.
- Are SmartLinks like a landing page?
- Can followers' emails be used to create a list?
- Can I connect a personal LinkedIn account?
Yes. But only for publishing. Only business account analytics are obtained.
- What is the analysis capacity?
If we talk about historical data, it is 2 months back from the moment you connect to a social network, except for the number of followers, which we cannot know. That is, this data is taken from the moment you connect to the social network. If we talk about metrics and, for example, you have been using it for a year, you could consult the metrics for the entire year plus the 2 months back that were obtained when you connected the account for the first time.