Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms y Ninja Forms

You can design your own forms with the Wordpress Contact Form 7 , Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms plugins and integrate them directly into the subscriber lists created with Acumbamail.

The way to do this is to install the Wordpress Forms 3rd Party plugin, which allows you to integrate forms created with Wordpress plugins with an external service, in this case with Acumbamail.

To integrate your forms created with any of these three plugins, you have to follow the following steps:

  1. The first step is to configure your forms in Wordpress with the plugin of your choice . For this you can consult the integrations section of your selected tool.
  2. Create a form associated with the list you want withinAcumbamail. The form created in Acumbamail should ideally have the same fields as Wordpress, but it is not required. Below is an example of a form in which, to subscribe to the desired list, the user has to enter their city and email.

    acumbamail integration with third party forms

    acumbamail integration with third party forms

  3. Once you have created both forms, you have to configure the Forms 3rd Party plugin to link the fields of the Wordpress form with the fields of the Acumbamail form . If you don't have it installed, click on the Plugins tab of your Wordpress and select "Add new". Find the "Forms 3rd Party" plugin and install it. When you install it, go to the "Installed Plugins" section to activate it.
  4. When enabled, in each tab created by each of the modules you will see the option of "3rd Party Services". From here we can configure our integration.
  5. In this section, we fill in the following information:
  • Service name : The name we want to give the service. In our case "Acumbamail" or the identifying value that we want.
  • Submission URL: This is the link to which the information will be sent once the user presses the subscribe button of the form. This URL is dependent on the form with which you want to integrate. To obtain the URL that must be accessed to the Acumbamail forms of any of yourLists. In step 4 (Integration):

      Enter the value of the URL in the "Submission URL" field.

    • Attach to forms: Here we must select which form of Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms or Ninja Forms that we want to link with the form inAcumbamail
      Here's an example we've done with Contact Form 7 and called "Acumbamail Integration".

      WordPress plugin form integration with acumbamail

      WordPress plugin form integration with acumbamail

    • Mapping:This section is essential so that integration does not give problems. It is necessary to relate the names of the fields included in the Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms or Ninja Forms form with the names of the fields in the form created in Acumbamail. To consult the name of the field assigned by each form tool, you can see the source code (by clicking Control + U) of the page once the form is displayed. We need to obtain the "name" attribute of each field, which is basically the name that we have assigned to the form fields.

      integration of acumbamail with ninja forms, contact form 7 and wordpress gravity forms

      integration of acumbamail with ninja forms, contact form 7 and wordpress gravity forms

      To know the "name" of the fields of the Acumbamail form, you must go to the design step in the creation of the form. Then, click on any of the fields to see the name of the field:

      On the right, in the Add New Field button, you can see the internal name of the field and the one you will need to copy:

      In the case of the email field, since it does not allow the option to edit it, the internal name is email_1.

      Filling in this information would be enough to integrate both forms. If you need information about the rest of the configurable fields, see the Forms 3rd Partydocumentation.
      When the integration is ready, every time a user submits the form created for Wordpress with any of the form tools, a subscription request will also be sent to Acumbamail.

      If there is a problem, you can go to the "Global Values" section within the plugin where you created the form.

    See all the integrations available in Acumbamail.