Integrating Acumbamail forms with your Prestashop store is easy. We explain the process below:
First, you will need to install the Acumbamail plugin using the installer provided by Prestashop. Download the .zip file from the link on that page. Once you have it, from your store's administration interface, go to the "Modules" section. From here, you can upload the module to your server using the "Upload a module" option.
If everything has worked correctly, once you have uploaded the module to the server where your store is hosted, you will need to configure it correctly. Using the module configuration interface, you will need to enter the auth token that has been assigned to you . You can check which auth token corresponds to you here . Once you have entered the value, press the "Save" button.
After checking that the auth token is correct you will have the following configuration options:
Subscription forms: Here you can select the form you want to display in your online store. First you will have to select the list that contains the form you want to use. Once you have selected the list, the forms belonging to that list will be displayed and you will have to select one to integrate it with your online store. In the following links you can find more information about lists and forms .
Customer synchronization: You will also have the option to synchronize in Acumbamail the customers who have already subscribed to your newsletter through the Prestashop “newsletter subscription” module. You must select the list to which you want the customers to be added. You must also confirm that you want to synchronize the lists by checking the “I want to synchronize the customers subscribed to the Prestashop newsletter” field. After saving the changes, all the customers previously subscribed to the Prestashop newsletter will be added to your Acumbamail list. If you configure this option, the customers who confirm a purchase in your online store will be automatically added to the list you have selected.
Check out all the integrations available in Acumbamail.