Quick SMS send

On many occasions it is necessary to make punctual SMS sends to a single recipient, instead of sending to several using one campaign. To avoid the process of creating a list every time you want to send an SMS, we have created a system that allows you to send messages individually manually to each subscriber. If you want to send SMS campaigns to multiple subscribers, check out this article.

In this article

Send individual SMS

To make individual shipments you must go to the SMS section and click on Quick send in the left side menu:

quick send

quick send

When you do this, you'll see the following screen, where you can send the SMS to one or more subscribers separated by commas, once you've filled in the sender, receivers, and message you want to send, just press the Send button to have it sent.

fast shipping

fast shipping

On this same screen you can check the size of the message and the type of encoding and, therefore, how many credits it will cost you to send. If you want advanced information about this topic you can consult the detailed explanation that we give in the article of SMS campaigns,since all this applies the same in this type of shipments.

Check send statistics

Once you have made your shipments, you can check what happened to them by clicking on the Reports option in the left side menu:

fast shipping reports

fast shipping reports

Once you have done this, in the drop-down menu that says Campaigns you must select Individual sending:

SMS reports

SMS reports

And you will see the list of your individual shipments. You can see that there is less information than in regular campaigns, so if your feature is geared towards sending a bulk SMS and following up with it, we recommend that you make one campaign instead of several quick sends. The information we provide you with are the shipping and delivery dates and the status, which can be one of the following three:

  • Delivered: These are those SMS that have been received and the operator has returned the reception time.
  • Pending: These SMS have been delivered to the telephone operator but, either the operator has delivered them but has not returned the delivery time or has not yet delivered them for various reasons (mobile off, out of coverage, etc).
  • Undelivered: SMS that could not be delivered because the number no longer exists or is invalid.

Individual reports

Individual reports